Learn how to identify and report aquatic invasive species through the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network.
Michigan State University Extension is leading the effort to implement the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy. Since 2006 the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program has been educating Michigan boaters about aquatic invasive species with trained volunteer boat inspectors. The program has grown into a comprehensive aquatic invasive species boater outreach program thanks to funding from EGLE.
Clean Boats, Clean Waters promotes understanding of boat cleaning practices and regulations through the distribution of educational materials, an online resource library, boat washing demonstrations, grants, and partnerships. The program builds upon existing partnerships with statewide and local organizations including the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association, CISMAs, and lake associations and is actively seeking new opportunities and partners to share the clean, drain, dry message.
More information on Clean Boats, Clean Waters can be found on the MSU Extension website, Facebook (@MichiganCBCW), or Instagram (@michigan_cbcw).
Questions about the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program and this grant funding opportunity can be directed to Kelsey Bockelman.